When something starts going wrong with your woodwind, the true source of the problem may not always be immediately apparent. This may be frustrating for you, but you can end the frustration and confusion by bringing your instrument into us.
Our years of experience have given us the ability to diagnose and repair a problem with ease. If your instrument can be fixed, you can rely on us to do the repairs for you. And if your instrument is beyond repair, we will help you find a replacement.
Your time is precious. As such, it may not always be easy to find time to bring your broken instrument in for repairs. This is particularly true during store hours. However, with our flexible scheduling, you can make the trip to through our doors without having to worry about time.
Save on your woodwind repairs with us.
If you need repairs for your woodwind instrument but have a tight budget, give us a try. With us, you will be able to take advantage of our competitive rates and pricing to get your repairs within your budget constraints.